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Hand-tied Bouquet Creation

Workshop Day - this is how it looks like

We start with the introduction of the flower ingredients and how to take care of them, followed by understanding the machanics. (20-30 Min)

We will then prepare the flowers, as you learn tips about how to clean, cut, hydrate and sort flowers to get the max out of your bunch. (30 min)

Arranging in your hand will then start, and you will learn the step by step process that enables you to fully utilize the different flowers you have and to bring out their diverse beauty. We will cover tall airty bouquet first and then get to a petit and tight one. When weather is good, we will explore the garden and hunt for unexpected ingredients among the garden plants. (90 Min)

We will discuss the work of all participants and learn from one another. And cover any questions for your to continue to enjoy flowers in the future. (30 Min)

March 19

Jam Jar Centerpiece Creation